Sharks are organising a summer ski trip at Llandudno ski centre. We would love to get as many members as possible together to have fun on the slope and ski by the sea!
We are planning to run a two day ski session from 10th -11th August 24, all for only £50-60 per skier, depending on uptake.
If you are interested in joining, all you need to do is let us know via this form.
We ask you to complete the form as soon as possible so we can confirm numbers and you book some overnight accommodation. At the moment there is availability with Premier Inn and Travelodge. There are also a number of hotels along the seafront.
The plan is to ski on Saturday from 10am until until 4pm and then again on Sunday morning. Times and activities are approximate at present and will be confirmed as soon as we have gauged interest.
This event is open to all Sharks members from the youngest to the oldest, the main aim is to get together on the slope, do some skiing and have fun together!