Maestro - Always with Us
Maestro - Always with Us
Maestro - Always with Us
Norman Gill
Maestro - Always with Us
Level 4 Coach, Level 2 Tutor
Skiing, the ski environment (be it in the mountains or in a fridge!) and ‘skiing people’ are all a constant source of adventure, excitement, exhilaration, fun and pleasure for me.
I believe skiing enables an individual to find that ‘something else’ within themselves that equips them with a set of personal skills for life itself!
My first experience on snow was in Aviemore, Scotland in 1972; it was on a weekend trip organised by the Sheffield Local Education Authority and Molly and I were asked to go on the ‘Introduction Training’ course for Teachers and Youth Workers.
I soon became a bit of a ski fanatic and I looked to getting qualifications so I could use skiing as an ideal vehicle of working with young people. So began a series of training courses and of being involved in skiing:
• Alpine Ski Leader 1980
• BASI 1984
• Founder member, along with Molly, of the Sheffield Snow Steelers Ski Club
• Worked in the Alps for “Travel Away” Ski Company 1984 & 1985
• Worked in the Alps for “Skibound” Ski Company 1986 -1989
• Did volunteer labouring at Sheffield Ski Village as it was being built 1988/89
• Invited by Molly to be part of the Sheffield Sharks Ski Club
• Completed Level 1 and Level 2 through the English Ski Council (now SSE) 1990 and 1992
• Level 4 Development and Race Coach 1995/96. This was a two week training course in the Alps and a full one week examination!
• Chief of English Alpine Championships for 1998 and 1999
• Chair of the English Alpine Race Committee 1996 to 1998
• Manager of the England Alpine Race Squad (I was on the selection committee that selected a young Frank Reardon to Ski for England!)
• Alpine Race official 1993 onwards and a Race Official Tutor from 1995
• UKSS Level 1 Tutor 1999 and UKSS Level2 Tutor 2008
• Refresher Courses and Revalidation of Level 4 and Tutor Qualifications annually since 1996
• Sharks Coach . . . . . . . . . 1989 onwards!
Ski teaching technique and ski equipment in particular has changed, and continues to change, vastly over the years; yet through various training courses, refresher courses and numerous UKSS Seminars and meetings I feel I have kept up to date with developments. I have passed these new approaches, new teaching developments and ideas on to our wonderful team of dedicated Sharks Instructors and Coaches. You will not find a better or more skilful and dedicated set of individuals!
My passion for skiing, some might say obsession, and my passion for ski teaching and tutoring Ski Instructor courses has not diminished in any way; in fact it gets stronger as each ski session finishes I cannot wait for the next one!